3 Tips to Cope with Stress

3 min readAug 18, 2023


Stress is unavoidable in the current times. You get overwhelmed when the deadline is approaching, you have to pay your bills, or you have to rush to finish an uncompleted errand. Simply it cannot be avoided and therefore can cause havoc on our mental well-being.

As per the American Institute of Stress, the global average of people who get stressed is 35%. This average has been calculated out of 143 countries. Stress, therefore is unavoidable. But it can be managed with a little mindful effort.

Tip 1: Identification of Stressful sources

Identifying the sources of stress is the first step toward stress management. It is not as easy as it sounds. While some of the sources might be easily identifiable such as dealing with work-related fiasco, trying to reach a destination to be on time, dealing with complex family matters, etc. pinpointing the chronic stress sources can still be challenging. You must look closely at your excuses, habits, and attitude to identify the sources of stress.

Starting a stress journal can be helpful. For a start, answering the following question can be helpful. Each time you are feeling overwhelmed. Notice what is causing you to stress. How you are feeling both emotionally and physically? What was your response to the situation? What are the actions you have taken to deal with the situation?

Tip 2: Practice 4A’s of Stress Management

While stress is unavoidable, in most cases, it can be predicted. Changing the situation or changing your reaction to the situation might help in coping with the stress. When deciding your response to the situation you might want to consider the four A’s that are alter, avoid, accept, and adapt.

Avoid: Fighting to the flight can be the best response in certain situations. You have to see what is avoidable and what needs to be addressed.

Alter: changing your reaction to stressful situations is another way to deal with stress. This involves communicating and changing actions to tackle daily tasks.

Adapt: You always have the option to change your response to the situation if you cannot change the situation. Adapting to stressful situations can help regain your sanity and control the situation.

Accept: accepting the situation can help prevent you to stress out. If you cannot do anything about a problem, then get it as it is.

Tips 3: Practicing mindful Rhythmic Exercise

Including any physical activity in your daily life can help burn away tension or stress. Simple activities such as running, walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, aerobics, and dancing can be helpful. It should be something that you enjoy doing so that you can remain stuck to it without any effort.

While doing physical exercise, pay attention to your emotional and physical sensations. Focus on mindful breathing and physical movements as you go about with your physical activity can help in breaking the cycle of negative thoughts. Physical activities also contribute to producing soothing hormones which can help the body in calming down during stressful situations.

