Three Artificial Intelligence AI Tools which can Enhance the Productivity of Freelancers

3 min readAug 4, 2023


AI tools have gained popularity over the years. AI tools have contributed towards promoting hassles working for freelancers. With AI tools, it has become easy for freelancers to automate previously time-consuming tasks that took up brainpower.

Statistics suggest that AI tools are effective in boosting productivity. Forbes cites that, almost 73% of business leaders envision that AI will make workers at least twice productive as compared to the previous year. This suggests that AI would take the lead in the future for freelancers as well.

To equip you with the best knowledge, this blog will enlist the 5 AI tools that can be beneficial for freelancers.

  1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a language tool and is capable to answer all the queries. All you have to do is to enter the right prompt and consider your work done. It can be used for creating outlines, generating ideas for creating high-quality content

The tool also can write codes in any language as requested by the user. It can translate text into any language and has the fastest response time to queries. However, the use of the right prompts is the key to take benefit from this tool.

ChatGPT is the product of Open AI and is worthy of the attention of every freelancer. This chatbot can be used for doing diverse tasks. Its fondness is increasingly growing amongst freelancers every day due to its efficiency and ease of use.

2. Reface

Reface is a jaw-dropping AI tool that can be used in generating and modifying movies. It provides amazing audio, and video face-swapping features to create or alter the movies. This tool can be used to give life to still images.

It offers AI avatar mode. It is accessible for both iPhone and Android users. It offers long-term data storage and therefore, enables the user to use their data and modify it at their convenience time.

Freelancers can use this tool for creating video content for digital products, such as online courses of e-books. It can also be used as an assistive tool for editing the video contents of the clients, thus helping the clients to make their videos catchy.

3. Durable

Durable is a website-generating tool that helps in developing websites with text and images. This tool creates websites professionally and saves time, cost, and effort which would otherwise be required to create a new website manually.

Some features that Durable offers include website generation, creating business names, writing Google ads, using SEO for website ranking, and making online invoices to accelerate payments

This tool is used by Freelancers for generating Google Ads, creating digital marketing campaigns, and preparing invoices.

AI technology offers freelancers plenty of creative ways for increasing their productivity. The above-mentioned are some AI that can be life-changing for freelancers and can help them to make thriving careers.

With new AI tools, emerging every other day, they are now considered essential elements for leveraging success. The continuous revolution in AI technology suggests that a future without AI is inevitable. Therefore, to be top-notch in the freelance arena, learning and using AI tools has become necessary for reaching new potential.

